TODAY: We invite our guests to sign the Guest Register.
9:30 a.m. Worship & Communion Service
10:45 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
2:00 p.m. Trail Life Troop Meeting
Mon. 6:30 p.m. Bible study with the Chaffee’s
Tues. 5:30 a.m. Women’s Worship 6:00 a.m. Bible Study
Tues. 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study with Laura Renfro
Wed. 5:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study
Wed. 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer
Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
10:45 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Sunday school
If the Lord leads you to give, please leave your offering in the offering plates which are in the foyer and the old sanctuary.
Please help us accommodate everyone by moving toward the center of the section you are seated in.
Pastor Dwight is planning to take a 30-day Sabbatical in celebration of his 30 years of ministry at Alert. During his Sabbatical Dwight requests that everyone honors his time away by not calling, texting, or emailing him. All questions can be directed to our Church Chairman, Cody Sump. Dwight’s Sabbatical begins tomorrow, March 6th and continues through April 3rd.
Ministry Opportunity
Ministry Opportunity
Covenant Cedars Bible Camp has a goal of having two counselors in every cabin. Let’s help the camp obtain this goal by sending counselors this summer. If you are interested in being a counselor, please pick up an application in the office. As of this past Wednesday, CCBC still needs counselors as listed below:
Pathfinder (1st – 2nd grade) June 17-18
Male – 7 Female – 1
Trailblazer (3rd – 4th grade) June 25-28
Male – 5 Female – 0
Explorer (5th -6th grade) June 18-23
Male – 6 Female – 2
Jr. High (7th-8th grade) July 2-7
Male – 18 Female – 18
Sr. High (9th-12th grade) July 9-14
Male – 16 Female – 20
Last Chance (3rd – 12th grade) July 30 – Aug 1
Male – 6 Female – 6
Women’s Encounter
The next Women’s Encounter will be held on March 10-12. Please contact Jenny Sump 785-410-9291 with questions.
Save the Date
Vacation Bible School is June 5-9, 2023!!!!
Short-Term Mission Trip
We are planning a summer mission trip to Nicolas Romero with the Merge team. Tentative dates are July 29-August 5. We will help the Covenant Church in Nicolas Romero with their bible school. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please let Pastor Dwight know of your interest.
Church Membership
If you are interested in joining our church, instructions and
Applications can be picked up in the church office.
Study bibles are available for those who do not have a Bible of their
own. You may pick one up at the Welcome Center. The Bibles are
provided as a gift to you.
Church Administrative Secretary Position Opening
This is a part-time position, and the church is seeking applications. A job description can be found in the church office. If you have any questions, please feel free to visit with Randi Dumler or Pastor Dwight.