TODAY: We invite our guests to sign the Guest Register
9:30 a.m. Worship
10:45 a.m. Fellowship
10:55 a.m. Opening Exercises
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Mon-Sun Pastor Dwight will be on vacation all this week.
Tues. 6:30 p.m. Ladies Bible Study
Wed. 6:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study will not meet this week.
Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Small group at Linhardt’s
9:30 a.m. Worship
10:45 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Summer Sunday School! We will be combining some classes for the summer to give our hard-working teachers a much-needed respite! Preschool and Kinder will be one class for the summer and will meet in the Kinder room. And Mike and Andy’s classes will also combine for the summer. Check with them or Pastor Stephanie if you have any questions!
Foster Teen Camp Donation toward Hygiene products
If you would like to give a monetary ($) donation towards the purchase of hygiene products for the Foster Teen Girls’ Camp, donations may be given to either Donna Rundquist or Karen Rundquist. The Girls’ Foster Teen Camp will be held on June 22-24, but the products will need to be ordered soon.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is upon us and plans are happening!
-Make sure to get your kids registered. You can do this online or at the table in the foyer.
-We need help! Please consider volunteering as a crew leader or helper to make the week even more awesome. See Jenny Sump or Pastor Stephanie if you are willing.
-Please check the DONATE and BORROW board for items that we need!
***Supplies needed: We are in need of thick and sturdy clear plastic water bottles such as smaller gatorade or powerade bottles WITH LIDS (labels removed) or even the plastic bottles that flavored water come in. With an opening big enough to fit small objects in. Please bring them here to the church by next Sunday.
Covenant Kids Camp
Covenant Kids camp will be a time for kids to unplug and retreat from the busyness of life and focus in on their personal faith with Jesus Christ. Our kids are living in a time when their schedules rarely allow for them to slow down and dwell on the Word of God. Camp will provide opportunities for them to not only grow spiritually but have intentional, authentic fellowship with other kids their age. Open to all kids entering 3rd grade- 6th grade. Dates of camp: July 9-13. Registration is due no later than June 1st. Please see Pastor Dwight for more information.
Shoe Box Ideas
Just a couple of ideas as you’re out shopping:
May is hygiene month. (soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, wash clothes, etc.) *Toothpaste is no longer allowed
Northern Riley County Food Pantry news……In the last four weeks, we have served 39 families containing 133 people. We have been busy all year until just the last 3 weeks. With the Dollar General close by now, we have started to buy a lot of our staples from there. We still have to buy meat and a few other items that they don’t carry from other stores. We purchase our meat from GTB Meats; we try to do as much buying locally as we can.
Food items needed at this time are canned lunch meat, canned chicken, Hamburger Helper, creamy peanut butter, chocolate pudding cups, fruit cups, cream of chicken soup, and applesauce. A lot of people make cold lunches for their kids and for the workers in the families if there are any. Hence the need for canned chicken and canned lunch meat plus the pudding and fruit cups.
Last week, an elderly man walked from Leonardville to Riley (which took him 2.5 hours) in order to get food from the Food Pantry. Thankfully, one of the volunteers took this man back to his home in Leonardville.
Our thanks go out to all the churches, individuals and clubs who collect food each month and provide help each Saturday. Without all of you, we would be unable to carry on with this ministry to our communities in northern Riley County.
If you are interested in joining our church, instructions and applications can be picked up in the church office. They are located on the wall in the church office