Sunday Mornings, 11am

Colossians 1:6 says that the gospel is *continually* bearing fruit and *increasing* in and among us, even after we first believe it. Why is a continual rediscovery and application of the gospel so important? How does that happen? How will our personal growth and missional life be stunted if we don’t grasp the gospel deeply?
What to expect
EXPECT TO BE CHALLENGED… most of us have reduced the gospel to something much less than it is. As you work through each lesson, expect your thinking ab out the gospel to be challenged and expanded.
EXPECT THE HOLY SPIRIT… to be the one ultimately responsible for growth, and for change to happen in your heart. Relax and trust him.
EXPECT THE AGENDA TO INCLUDE… an open, give-and-take discussion of the article, the questions, and the exercises.
EXPECT STRUGGLE… and don’t be surprised to find that the experience is a mixture of enthusiasm, hope, and honesty, along with indifference, anxiety, skepticism, guilt, and covering up. We are all people who really need Jesus ever day. So expect to wrestle with sin and know that others are, too.