Saturday, June 15th, 2019
Registration from 6:30 to 7:20 a.m.
10K and 5K START at 7:30 a.m.
1 Mile/Faster Pastor at 9:00 a.m.
Faster Pastor Competition: Part of the 1-Mile Fun Run. Special prizes (in the form of pies!!!) awarded to the first three pastors across the line.
For more detailed directions, call Pastor Dwight Diller (785) 944-3416 or Marc &Teresa Moore at (785) 944-3681 or (785) 630-0977 or e-mail:
10K:Wheel-measured course that starts at the top of the hill west of the church and makes a rectangle, finishing at the bottom of the hill in front of the church. Water stops provided. The course includes about 2 miles of pavement with the remainder on gravel/ rock backroads. If there is rain, come prepared for mud.
5K: Out and back on pavement and gravel.
10K & 5K awards: Special awards to top 3 male and female finishers. Awards to next three finishers in each age division.
1 Mile/ Faster Pastor Race: Out and back on paved roadway. Special awards to top 3 male and female finishers. Very special awards to the top 3 pastors. Participation awards to all finishers.
14 & UNDER 15-19 20-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71 & OVER
Light breakfast and awards for everyone! Meet your friends in the church fellowship hall following the races to celebrate.
agedivisions -10K and 5K
MAILENTRIES TO: Marc & Teresa Moore, 1961 24th Rd., Green, KS 67447. E-mail:
Call: 785-944-3681 or 785-630-0977
Name (print legibly!!!) ____________________________________________Address _____________________________________________________
City ______________________________________State _ ZIP E-mail: _____________________________________
Phone __________________ Date of Birth: ____ Age on Race Day
T-SHIRT SIZE: Little kids: 10-12 14-16 Adults: Small Med Large XL XXL ($2 extra)
ENTRYFEE: $15 for all races –includes a t-shirt ***CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Alert Youth Fellowship
In consideration of your acceptance ofthis entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators waive any and all rights and claims for damages I mayhave against sponsors, coordinating groups and any individuals associated with the event, their representatives, successors and assigns for any and allinjuries suffered by me in connection with said event. Also, none of the above are responsible for the loss of personal items or for any other forms of aggravation in connection with said event. In filling out this form, I acknowledge that I am an amateur in such events. I also give my permission for the free use of my name and picture in any broadcast, telecast or print media account of this event. In filling out this form, I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand my own liability and do accept the restrictions herein.
Signature ________________________________________________________________________ 2019
Parentor Guardian signature (if under 18) _________________________________________________