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- Category: Bulletins
- Bulletin 12-8-2024
- Bulletin 12-1-2024
- Bulletin 11-24-2024
- Bulletin 11-17-2024
- Bulletin 11-10-2024
- Bullletin 11-3-2024
- Bulletin 10-27-024
- Bulletin 10-20-2024
- Bulletin 10-13-2024
- Bulletin 10-6-2024
- Bulletin 9-29-2024
- Bulletin 9-22-2024
- Bulletin 9-15-2024
- Bulletin 9-8-2024
- Bulletin 9-1-2024
- Bulletin 8-25-2024
- Bulletin 8-18-2024
- Bulletin 8-11-2024
- Bulletin 8-4-2024
- Bulletin 7-28-2024
- Bulletin 7-21-2024
- Bulletin 7-14-2024
- Bulletin 7-7-2024
- Bulletin 6-30-2024
- Bulletin 6-23-2024
- Bulletin 6-16-2024
- Bulletin 6-9-2024
- Bulletin 6-2-2024
- Buletin 5-26-2024
- Bulletin 5-19-2024
- Bulletin 5-5-2024
- Bulletin 5-12-2024
- Bulletin 4-28-2024
- Bulletin 4-21-2024 “The Parable of the Soils”
- Bulletin 4-14-2024
- Bulletin 4-7-2024
- Bulletin 3-31-2024
- Bulletin 3-24-2024
- Bulletin 3-10-2024
- Bulletin 2-18-2024
- Bulletin 2-11-2024
- Bulletin 2-4-2024
- Bulletin 1-28-2024
- Bulletin 1-28-2024
- Bulletin 1-21-2024
- Bulletin 1-14-2024
- Bulletin 1-7-2024
- Bulletin 12-31-2023
- Bulletin 12-24-2023
- Bulletin 12-17-2023
- Bulletin 12-10-2023
- Bulletin 12-3-2023
- Bulletin 11-26-2023
- Bulletin 11-19-2023
- Bulletin 11-12-2023
- Bulletin 11-5-2023
- Bulletin 10-29-2023
- Bulletin 10-22-2023
- Bulletin 10-15-2023
- Bulletin 10-8-2023
- Bulletin 10-1-2023
- Bulletin 9-24-2023
- Bulletin 9-17-2023
- Bulletin 9-3-2023
- Bulletin 8-27-2023
- Bulletin 8-20-2023
- Bulletin 8-13-2023
- Bulletin 7-30-2023
- Bulletin 7-23-2023
- Bulletin 7-16-2023
- Bulletin 7-9-2023
- Bulletin 6-18-2023
- Bulletin 6-4-2023
- Bulletin 5-28-2023
- Bulletin 5-21-2023
- Bulletin 5-14-2023
- Bulletin 5-7-2023
- Bulletin 4-30-2023
- Bulletin 4-23-2023
- Bulletin 4-16-2023
- Bulletin 4-9-2023
- Bulletin 4-2-2023
- Bulletin 3-26-2023
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- Bulletin 3-5-2023
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- Bulletin 2-5-2023
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- Bulletin 1-22-2023
- Bulletin 1-15-2023
- Bulletin 1-8-2023
- Bulletin 1-1-2023
- Bulletin 12-25-2022
- Bulletin 12-18-2022
- Bulletin 12-11-2022
- Bulletin 12-4-2022
- Bulletin 11-27-2022
- Bulletin 11-20-2022
- Bulletin 11-13-2022
- Bulletin 11-6-2022
- Bulletin 10-30-2022
- Bulletin 10-23-2022
- Bulletin 10-16-2022
- Bulletin 10-9-2022
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- Bulletin 9-18-2022
- Bulletin 9-11-2022
- Bulletin 9-4-2022
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- Bulletin 8-14-22
- Bulletin 8-7-22
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- Bulletin 7-17-2022
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- Bulletin 6-19-2022
- Bulletin 6-5-2022
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- Bulletin 5-15-2022
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- Bulletin 4-17-2022
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- Bulletin 3-13-2022
- Bulletin 3-6-2022
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- Bulletin 2-6-2022
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- Bulletin 1-16-2022
- Bulletin 1-9-2022
- Bulletin 1-2-2022
- Bulletin 12-26-2021
- Bulletin 12-19-2021
- Bulletin 12-12-2021
- Bulletin 12-5-2021
- Bulletin 11-28-2021
- Bulletin 11-21-2021
- Bulletin 11-14-2021
- Bulletin 11-7-2021
- Bulletin 10-31-2021
- Bulletin 10-24-2021
- Bulletin 10-17-2021
- Bulletin 10-10-2021
- Bulletin 10-3-2021
- Bulletin 9-26-2021
- Bulletin 9-19-2021
- Bulletin 9-12-2021
- Bulletin 9-5-2021
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- Bulletin 8-15-2021
- Bulletin 8-8-2021
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- Bulletin 7-18-2021
- Bulletin 7-4-2021
- Bulletin 6-27-2021
- Bulletin 6-20-2021
- Bulletin 6-6-2021
- Bulletin 5-30-2021
- Bulletin 5-23-2021
- Bulletin 5-16-2021
- Bulletin 5-9-2021
- Bulletin 5-2-21
- Bulletin 4-25-21
- Bulletin 4-18-21
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- Bulletin 4-4-2021
- Bulletin 3-28-2021
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- Bulletin 3-14-2021
- Bulletin 3-7-2021
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- Bulletin 2-7-2021
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- Bulletin 1-24-2021
- Bulletin 1-17-21
- Bulletin 1-10-2021
- Bulletin 1-3-2021
- Bulletin 12-27-2020
- Bulletin 12-20-2020
- Bulletin 12-13-2020
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- Bulletin 11-15-2020
- Bulletin 11-8-2020
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- Bulletin 10-25-2020
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- Bulletin 10-4-2020
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- Bulletin 8-23-2020
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- Bulletin 7-19-2020
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- Bulletin 1-19-2020
- Bulletin 1-5-2020
- Bulletin 12-29-19
- Bulletin 12-22-2019
- Bulletin 12-15-2019
- Bulletin 12-8-2019
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- Bulletin 11-24-2019
- Bulletin 11-17-2019
- Bulletin 11-10-2019
- Bulletin 11-3-2019
- Bulletin 10-27-2019
- Bulletin 10-20-2019
- Bulletin 10-13-2019
- Bulletin 10-6-2019
- Bulletin 9-29-2019
- Bulletin 9-22-2019
- Bulletin 9-15-2019
- Bulletin 9-8-2019
- Bulletin 9-1-2019
- Bulletin 8-25-2019
- Bulletin 8-18-2019
- Bulletin 8-11-2019
- Bulletin 8-4-2019
- Bulletin 7-28-2019
- Bulletin 7-21-2019
- Bulletin 7-14-2019
- Bulletin 7-7-2019
- Bulletin 6-23-2019
- Bulletin 6-16-2019
- Bulletin 6-9-2019
- Bulletin 6-2-2019
- Bulletin 5-26-2019
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- Bulletin 5-12-2019
- Bulletin 5-5-2019
- Bulletin 4-28-2019
- Bulletin 4-21-19
- Bulletin 4-14-19
- Bulletin 4-7-2019
- Bulletin 3-31-2019
- Bulletin 3-24-2019
- Bulletin 3-17-2019
- Bulletin 3-10-2019
- Bulletin 3-3-2019
- Bulletin 2-17-2019
- Bulletin 2-10-2019
- Bulletin 2-3-2019
- Bulletin 1-27-2019
- Bulletin 1-20-2019
- Bulletin 1-13-2019
- Bulletin 1-6-2019
- Bulletin 12-30-18
- Bulletin 12-30-2018
- Bulletin 12-9-2018
- Bulletin 12-16-2018
- Bulletin 12-2-2018
- Bulletin 11-25-2018
- Bulletin 11-18-2018
- Bulletin 11-11-18
- Bulletin 11-4-2018
- Bulletin 10-28-2018
- Bulletin 10-21-2018
- Bulletin 10-14-2018
- Bulletin 10-7-2018
- Bulletin 9-30-2018
- Bulletin 9-23-2018
- Bulletin 9-16-2018
- Bulletin 9-9-2018
- Bulletin 9-2-2018
- Bulletin 8-26-2018
- Bulletin 8-19-2018
- Bulletin 8-12-2018
- Bulletin 7-29-2018
- Bulletin 7-22-2018
- Bulletin 7-15-2018
- Bulletin 7-8-2018
- Bulletin 7-1-2018
- Bulletin 6-24-2018
- Bulletin 6-17-2018
- Bulletin 6-10-2018
- Bulletin 6-3-2018
- Bulletin 5-27-2018
- Bulletin 5-20-2018
- Bulletin 5-13-2018
- Bulletin 5-6-2018
- Bulletin 4-29-2018
- Bulletin 4-22-2018
- Bulletin 4-15-2018
- Bulletin 4-8-2018
- Bulletin 4-1-2018
- Bulletin 3-25-2018
- Bulletin 3-18-2018
- Bulletin 3-11-2018
- General Announcements – February 4, 2018
- Category: COVID Resources
- Category: Discipleship at Home
- Category: News and Events
- 2023 Vacation Bible School
- Mother’s Day Photo Booth
- Covenant Women Prayer Partners
- Worship in the Round
- Coffee and Conversation – Covenant Women
- Julotta
- Advent Calendar – Digital Version
- SchoolaPalooza Open House
- Coffee and Conversation
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- Vacation Bible School 2021
- Coffee and Conversation
- High School Bible Study
- Covenant Women Prayer Partners for 2021
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- Julotta
- Sit with Jesus
- Distorted Views of God Study
- Power of God Bible Study
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- Alert Road Race
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- Perfecting Ourselves to Death
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- Ice Cream Social
- Ice Cream Social
- Vacation Bible School
- Vacation Bible School
- Alert Road Race 2019
- Coffee and Conversation
- If:Gathering in Clay Center
- The Art of Marriage Seminar
- Julotta
- Pancake Feed
- Alert Christmas Program
- Women Connect Art Night
- Children’s Christmas Program
- Shoebox Packing Sunday
- Annual Hayrack Ride
- Calendar
- The Art of Marriage Conference
- The Art of Marriage
- The Art of Marriage Conference
- SchoolaPalooza
- Covenant Women – Coffee and Conversation
- Alert Road Race Registration Download
- Reggie Regg the Magic Man on April 29th
- Annual Ice Cream Social
- Women Connect March 29th
- Women’s Encounter
- Alert Road Race Registration
- Mexico Mission Team Fundraiser: Spaghetti Supper
- Category: Sermon
- Sermon 12-1-2024 “The Seed of a Woman”
- Sermon 11-24-2024 “True Greatness”
- Sermon 11-17-2024 “Kingdom of God Power”
- Sermon 11-10-2024 “What Unites Us as Followers of Christ”
- Sermon 11-3-2024 “How to Love Other’s God’s Way”
- Sermon 10-27-2024 “Transfiguration of Christ”
- Sermon 10-20-2024 “Are We Bearing Seed?”
- Sermon 10-6-2024 How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”
- Sermon 10-13-2024 “Standing at the Threshold”
- Sermon 9-29-2024 “True Cost of Discipleship”
- Sermon 9-22-2024 “Who is Jesus?”
- Sermon 9-15-2024 “The Way of Escape”
- Sermon 9-8-2024 “Blinded by Unbelief”
- Sermon 9-1-2024 “Jesus does all things well.”
- Sermon 8-25-2024 “A Desperate Mother”
- Sermon 8-18-2024 “What Defiles Us?”
- Sermon 8-11-2024 “What’s Your Boat?”
- Sermon 8-4-2024 “You Give Them to Eat”
- Sermon 7-28-2024 “Devoted to Destruction”
- Sermon 7-21-2024 “Missions”
- Sermon 7-14-2024 “Resisting the Truth”
- Sermon 7-7-2024 “Summoned to Go”
- Sermon 6-30-2024 “How Strong is Your Signal”
- Sermon 6-23-2024 “A Consecrated Life”
- Sermon 6-16-2024 “Justice and Righteousness”
- Sermon 6-9-2024 “Hesitate No Longer”
- Sermon 6-2-2024 “Faith Has Made You Well”
- Sermon 5-26-2024 “Only Believe”
- Sermon 5-19-2024 “Healing Demoniacs”
- Sermon 5-12-2024 “Calm in the Storm”
- Sermon 5-5-2024 “Take Care How You Listen”
- Sermon 4-28-2024 “Parable of the Soils Pt 2”
- Sermon 4-21-2024 “Parable of the Soils”
- Sermon 4-14-2024 “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”
- Sermon 4-7-24 “Resurrection Power for Ministry”
- Sermon 3-31-2024 “Resurrection Power”
- Sermon 3-24-2024 “The Treasure Hunt”
- Sermon 3-17-2024 “You’ve Already Won”
- Sermon 3-10-2024 “Opposition from Within”
- Sermon 2-25-2024 “The Mystery of Christ and His Bride”
- Sermon 2-18-2024 “God’s Word on Divorce”
- Sermon 2-11-2024 “Preparing for the Bridegrooms Return”
- Sermon 2-4-2024 “The Return of the Bridegroom”
- Sermon 1-28-2024 “Guarding Against Pharisaical Attitudes”
- Sermon 1-21-2024 “A Paralytic is Healed”
- Sermon 1-14-2024 “A Leper is Cleansed”
- Sermon 1-7-2024 “State of our Church”
- Sermon 12-31-2023 “Be on Alert”
- Sermon 12-24-2023 “A People Prepared”
- Sermon 12-10-2023 “Peace on Earth”
- Sermon 12-3-2023 “Mary’s Song”
- Sermon 11-26-2023 “The Grateful Man says Thank you”
- Sermon 11-19-2023 “Surprises in the Synagogues”
- Sermon 10-22-2023 “Baptism of Jesus”
- Sermon 11-12-2023 “Called to be Christ’s Disciples”
- Sermon 11-5-2023 “Getting Right with God”
- Sermon 10-29-2023 “The Temptation of Jesus”
- Sermon 10-15-2023 “Baptism of Spirit & Fire”
- Sermon 10 8 2023 “Sacrament of Baptism”
- Sermon 10-1-2023 “Jesus, Son of God”
- Sermon 9-24-2023 “Discerning False Prophets”
- Sermon 9-17-2023 “The Gift of Prophecy”
- Sermon 9-10-2023 “The Battle is the Lord’s”
- Sermon 8-27-2023 “God Speaks Through His Prophets”
- Sermon 8-20-2023 “God Speaks Through His Prophets”
- Sermon 8-13-2023 “God Speaks Through Dreams”
- Sermon 8-6-2023
- Sermon 7-23-2023 “The Origin of our Sexual Identity”
- Sermon 7-16-2023 “The Jealousy of God”
- Sermon 7 9 2023 “God Speaks Through Rainbows”
- Sermon 7-2-2023
- Sermon 6-25-2023
- Sermon 6-18-2023 “A Dad’s Game Plan”
- Sermon 6-11-2023 ” The House of the Lord”
- Sermon 6 4 2023 “God Speaks in Quietness”
- Sermon 5-28-2023 “God Speaks to Us”
- Sermon 5-21-2023 “Seek the Lord”
- Sermon 5 14 2023 “Lessons from Jacob & Esau”
- Sermon 4-30-2023
- Sermon 4-23-2023 “Listen, God is Speaking”
- Sermon 4-16-2023 “Drawing Closer to Jesus”
- Sermon 4-16-2023 “Drawing Close to Jesus”
- Sermon 4-9-2023 “The Power of the Empty Tomb”
- Sermon 4-2-2023
- Sermon 3-26-2023
- Sermon 3-19-2023 “That’s Fitting”
- Sermon 3-12-2023 “Blessings of Obedience”
- Sermon 3-5-2023 “Healing Through Forgiveness”
- Sermon 2-26-2023 “The Freedom of Forgiveness”
- Sermon 2-19-2023 “Preparing for Revival”
- Sermon 2-12-2023 “One God and Father”
- Sermon 2-5-2023 “Trust Who?”
- Sermon 1-29-2023 “One Baptism”
- Sermon 1-22-2023 “The Lord is My Shepherd”
- Sermon 1-15-2023 “The Basis for Unity”
- Sermon 1-8-2023 “Preserve the Unity”
- Sermon 1-1-2023 “Things Which Can Not Be Shaken”
- Sermon 12-25-2022 “The Promised Redeemer”
- Sermon 12-18-2022 “Tower of the Flock”
- Sermon 12-11-2022 “That the World Might Know”
- Sermon 12-4-2022 “An Everlasting Kingdom”
- Sermon 11-27-2022 “The Bride of Christ”
- Sermon 11-20-2022 “Many Members/One Body”
- Sermon 11-13-2022 “A Peculiar People”
- Sermon 11-6-2022 “The Body of Christ”
- Sermon 10-30-2022 “We are Family”
- Sermon 10-23-2022 “Appointed to Go”
- Sermon 10-16-2022 “What is the church?”
- Sermon 10-9-2022 “Faith to Conquer Giants”
- Sermon 10-2-2022 “Return to the Lord”
- Sermon 9-25-2022 “A Sunny Future Turned Dark”
- Sermon 9-18-2022 “A Leader in Demand”
- Sermon 9-11-2022 “The Courage Behind Barak”
- Sermon 9-4-2022 “Ensuring that God gets the Glory”
- Sermon 8-28-2022 “The Power of Hope”
- Sermon 8-21-2022 “A Call to Holiness”
- Sermon 8-14-2022 “Be Available”
- Sermon 8 7 2022 “God’s Man in Manasseh”
- Sermon 7 31 2022 “The Faith of Rahab”
- Sermon 7-24-2022 “Living Stones”
- Sermon 7-17-2022 “The Walls Came Tumbling Down”
- Sermon 7-10-2022 “God Will Make A Way”
- Sermon 7-3-2022 “Forgiveness”
- Sermon 6-26-2022 “The Renewed Mind”
- Sermon 6-5-2022 “Passover”
- Sermon 6-19-2022 “Instructions for Fathers”
- Sermon 6-12-2022 “Monumental Love: VBS topics”
- Sermon 5-29-2022 “Hold on to Your Identity”
- Sermon 5-22-2022 “The Faith of Moses’ Parents”
- Sermon 5-15-2022 “The Freedom of Forgiveness”
- Sermon 5-8-2022 “Honoring Our Mothers”
- Sermon 5-1-2022 “From Pit to Palace”
- Sermon 4-24-2022 “Joseph’s Tests of Faith”
- Sermon 4-17-2022 “Resurrection Freedom”
- Sermon 4-10-2022 “The Triumphal Entry”
- Sermon 4-3-2022 “The Devotion of Mary”
- Sermon 3-27-2022 “How Awesome is this Place”
- Sermon 3-20-2022 “None the richer, None the Wiser”
- Sermon 3-13-2022 “The Power of a Blessing”
- Sermon 3-6-2022 “A Costly Test of Faith”
- Sermon 2-27-2022 “The Faith of Abraham”
- Sermon 2-20-2022 “Build an Ark”
- Sermon 2-13-2022 “The Testimony of Enoch”
- Sermon 2-6-2022 “The Faith of Abel”
- Sermon 1-30-2022 “The Faithfulness of Lament”
- Sermon 1-23-2022 “Precious in His Sight”
- Sermon 1-16-2022 “And it was so”
- Sermon 1-9-2022 “Faith Defined”
- Sermon 1-2-2022 “End Time Signs”
- Sermon 12-19-2021
- Sermon 12-12-2021 “A Sign Will Be Given”
- Sermon 12-5-2021 “The Christ of Isaiah”
- Sermon 11-28-2021 “Teach & Equip”
- Sermon 11-21-21 “A Psalm of Praise”
- Sermon 11-14-2021 “Fellowship with One Another”
- Sermon 11-7-2021 “Abounding Grace”
- Sermon 10-31-2021 “The Harvest is Plentiful”
- Sermon 10-24-2021 “The Ministry of Reconciliation: Reconciled to Christ”
- Sermon 10-17-2021 “Prayer Ministry”
- Sermon 10-10-2021 “Pray for Unity”
- Sermon 10-3-2021 “Ministry of Prayer”
- Sermon 9-26-2021 “Contrite Hearts”
- Sermon 9-19-2021 “Ministries of Compassion”
- Sermon 9-12-2021 “Legacy of Faith”
- Sermon 9-5-2021 “Ministers of Our God”
- Sermon 8-29-2021 “Ministry to Others”
- Sermon 8-22-2021 “Love One Another”
- Sermon 8-15-2021 “Love Your Enemies”
- Sermon 8-8-2021 “Love Your Neighbor”
- Sermon 8-1-2021 “The Math of Grace”
- Sermon 7-25-2021 “Love the Lord”
- Church service 7-18-2021
- Sermon 7-11-2021 “Send the Choir”
- Sermon 7-4-2021 “Sinner or Saint?”
- Sermon 6-27-21 “Unmerciful Prophet, Merciful God”
- Sermon 6-20-2021 “A Father’s Influence”
- VBS Program 6-13-2021
- Sermon 6-6-2021 “Created in His Image”
- Sermon 5-30-2021 “Abundant Comfort in Christ”
- Sermon 5-23-2021 “The Mouth of Freedom”
- Sermon 5-16-2021 “We are Missionaries”
- Sermon 5-9-2021 “Dedicated to the Lord”
- Sermon 5-2-2021 “Members of the Body”
- Sermon 4-25-21 “Marks of the Church”
- Sermon 4-18-2021 “The Guarantee of Our Inheritance”
- Sermon 4-11-2021 “Joint Heirs with Christ”
- Sermon 4-4-2021 “The Resurrection and the Life”
- Sermon 3-28-2021 “The Triumphal Entry”
- Sermon 3-21-2021 “Where is God at work?”
- Sermon 3-14-2021″Sanctified: Part 2″
- Sermon 3-7-2021 “Sanctified”
- Sermon 2-28-2021 “The Fear of the Lord”
- Sermon 2-14-2021 “Forgiven”
- Sermon 2-7-2021 “Redeemed”
- Sermon 1-31-21 “Seated in Heaven”
- Sermon 1-24-2021 “Citizens of Heaven”
- Sermon 1-17-2021 “Spirit Filled Disciples”
- Sermon 1-10-21 “True Discipleship”
- Sermon 1-3-2021 “State of the Church”
- Sermon 12-27-2020 “Rest Your Soul”
- Sermon 12-20-2020 “God With Us”
- Sermon 12-13-2020 “The Joy of Advent”
- Sermon 12-6-2020 “Peace Restored”
- Sermon 11-29-2020 “Spiritual Inheritance”
- Sermon 11-22-2020 “The Fear of Not Being Worthy”
- Sermon 11-15-2020 “Fear of Judgement”
- Sermon 11-8-2020 “Barriers to Vulnerability”
- Sermon 11-1-2020
- Sermon 10-25-2020 “The Impact of Our Decisions”
- Sermon 10-18-2020
- Sermon 10-11-2020
- Sermon 10-4-2020
- Sermon 9-27-2020
- Sermon 9-20-2020
- Sermon 9-13-2020
- Sermon 9-6-2020 “You Shall Not Murder”
- Sermon 8-30-2020 “Honor Your Parents”
- Sermon 8-23-2020 “The Eternal Perspective”
- Sermon 8-16-2020
- Sermon 8-9-2020
- Sermon 8-2-2020
- Sermon 7-26-2020
- Sermon 7-19-2020
- Sermon 7-12-2020
- Sermon 7-5-2020
- Sermon 6-28-2020
- Sermon 6-21-2020
- Sermon 6-14-2020
- Sermon 6-7-2020
- Sermon 5-31-2020
- Church Service 4-5-2020
- Sermon 3-22-2020
- Sermon 3-15-2020
- Sermon 3-8-2020
- Sermon 3-1-2020
- Sermon 2-23-2020
- Sermon 2-16-2020
- Sermon 2-9-2020
- Sermon 2-2-2020
- Sermon 1-26-2020
- Sermon 1-19-2020
- Sermon 1-12-2020
- Sermon 1-5-2020
- Sermon 12-29-19
- Sermon 12-22-2019
- Sermon 12-15-2019
- Sermon 12-8-2019
- Sermon 12-1-2019
- Sermon 11-24-2019
- Sermon 11-17-2019
- Sermon 11-10-2019
- Sermon 10-27-2019
- Sermon 10-20-2019
- Sermon 10-13-2019
- Sermon 10-6-2019
- Sermon 9-29-2019
- Sermon 9-22-2019
- Sermon 9-15-2019
- Sermon 9-8-2019
- Sermon 9-1-2019
- Sermon 8-25-2019
- Sermon 8-18-2019
- Sermon 8-11-2019
- Sermon 8-4-2019
- Sermon 7-28-2019
- Sermon 7-21-2019
- Sermon 7-14-2019
- Sermon 7-7-2019
- Sermon 6-30-2019
- Sermon 6-23-2019
- Sermon 6-16-2019
- Sermon 6-9-2019
- Sermon 6-2-2019
- Sermon 5-26-2019
- Sermon 5-19-2019
- Sermon 5-12-2019
- Sermon 5-5-2019
- Sermon 4-28-2019
- Sermon 4-21-2019
- Sermon 4-14-19
- Sermon 4-7-2019
- Sermon 3-31-2019
- Sermon 3-17-2019
- Sermon 3-10-2019
- Sermon 3-3-2019
- Sermon 2-17-2019
- Sermon 2-3-2019
- Sermon 1-27-2019
- Sermon 1-20-2019
- Sermon 1-13-2019
- Sermon 1-6-2019
- Sermon 12-30-2018
- Sermon 12-23-2018
- Sermon 12-16-2018
- Sermon 12-9-2018
- Sermon 12-2-2018
- Sermon 11-18-2018
- Sermon 11-11-18
- Sermon 11-4-2018
- Sermon 10-28-2018
- Sermon 10-14-2018
- Sermon 10-7-2018
- Sermon 9-30-2018
- Sermon 9-23-2018
- Sermon 9-16-2018
- Sermon 9-9-2018
- Sermon 9-2-2018
- Sermon 8-19-2018
- Sermon 8-12-18
- Sermon 8-5-2018
- Sermon 7-29-2018
- Sermon 7-22-2018
- Sermon 7-15-2018
- Sermon 7-8-2018
- Sermon 7-1-2018
- Sermon 6-24-2018
- Sermon 6-17-2018
- Sermon 6-10-18
- Sermon 6-3-18
- Sermon 5-27-2018
- Sermon 5-20-2018
- Sermon 5-13-2018
- Sermon 5-6-2018
- Sermon 4-29-2018
- Sermon 4-22-2018
- Sermon 4-15-2018
- Sermon 4-8-2018
- Sermon 4-1-2018
- Sermon 3-18-2018
- Sermon 3-11-2018
- Sermon 3-4-2018
- Sermon 2-25-2018
- Believe in Jesus 2-18-2018
- The Servant-Master Relationship (Calling the Church to a Life of Godliness Series)
- Category: Uncategorized