TODAY: We invite our guests to sign the Guest Register
9:30 a.m. Worship
10:45 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Sunday School/Values Based Budgeting
Today during Sunday school, Scott Olesky and Dave Mack are conducting a workshop on Values Based Budgeting in the Fellowship room. Scott and Dave are with Thrivent and bring a wealth of knowledge as professional financial advisors. Please plan to attend.
Tues. 5:30 a.m. Women’s Worship 6:00 a.m. Bible Study
Wed. 5:00 a.m. Men’s Worship 6:00 a.m. Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study with Pastor Stephanie
6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study with Laura Renfro
Via Zoom – contact LuAnn Lund for information
9:30 a.m. Worship
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
2:00 p.m. Trail Life Troop Meeting
Offering Announcement
If the Lord leads you to give, please leave your offering in the offering plates which are in the foyer and in the old sanctuary.
“Thank you for the encouragement throughout the year and for remembering me at Christmas. It was very much appreciated.” Nancy Hofmann
Yearly Giving Report
If you would like a yearly total of your giving for 2020, and did not receive one for 2019, please contact Nancy Hofmann. Please remember to check your mailbox if you are on the list.
Annual Reports
With the close of another year, it is time for the Annual reports to be written and submitted to Randi so that she can compile them into the Annual Booklet. So, to those who are responsible for writing a report, please help Randi by submitting your report as soon as possible.
Lost & Found
Please check the lost and found for anything that may belong to you. The pile is getting quite large.
Manhattan Emergency Shelter
The Manhattan Emergency Shelter is in need of several things. High demand items: Bath and hand towels, trash bags, meat, men’s underwear, common over the counter medications, toiletries, copy paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, large diapers, baby wipes and coffee. There is a tub underneath the coat rack if anyone would like to donate. Questions? See Donna Rundquist.
Men’s/Women’s Encounter
The next Men’s Encounter is January 28-30, 2021. Visit to register. Please see Josh Wendland or Cody Sump if you have any questions.
The next Women’s Encounter will be March 5-7, 2021. To register please visit (Note: this is a new website) If you have any questions, please contact Kara Bergsten 785-632-0150 or Jenny Sump 785-410-9291.
Meal for Youth Group
If you would like to provide a meal for youth group on January 27th, please let pastor Dwight know. Thanks.