Coming Events:
June 24-29: Jr. High Camp at Covenant Cedars
June 26: Parent/Teen meeting for CHIC
June 30: Parade Entry during the Randolph Celebration
July 9-12: Trailblazer Camp at Rock Springs
July 9-13: Explorer Camp at Rock Springs
TODAY: We invite our guests to sign the Guest Register
9:30 a.m. Worship
10:45 a.m. Fellowship
10:55 a.m. Opening Exercises
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Sun-Fri Sr. High Camp at Covenant Cedars
Tues. 6:30 p.m. Ladies Bible Study
Wed. 6:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study
Wed.-Sun. Pastor Dwight will be attending the
ECC Annual Meeting in Minneapolis
Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Small group at Linhardt’s
9:30 a.m. Worship Service with Pastor Stephanie preaching
10:45 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Needed for Independence Parade at Randolph on Saturday, June 30:
1) Ice Chests/Coolers – please leave them in the church kitchen before Friday, June 29
2) Individuals (any age) to hand out over 850 water bottles in the parade – we will meet between the Blue Valley High School and Middle School after 3:45. Look for a trailer and pickup.
Parade begins at 4 p.m.
Thank You
A great big thank you to all those who helped make VBS happen. Our hearts are better and bigger because of your sacrifice, and we are so grateful for the way you made the week a wonderful one. – Pastor Stephanie
New Sunday School Class
Why is life so unfair? Why do we suffer? God is loving and all-powerful. We know he has the power to take away our suffering and we know he loves us. Still, we wonder why he doesn’t take away our suffering. Doesn’t he care? These are the questions at the heart of the book of Job, a new class beginning today with Pastor Stephanie.
Foster Teen Camp Donation toward Hygiene products
If you would like to give a monetary ($) donation towards the purchase of hygiene products for the Foster Teen Girls’ Camp, donations may be given to either Donna Rundquist or Karen Rundquist. The Girls’ Foster Teen Camp will be held on June 22-24, but the products will need to be ordered soon.
Shoe Box Ideas
Just a couple of ideas as you’re out shopping:
June is toys month: stuffed animals, deflated balls, dolls, jump ropes, yoyo’s, small foam things, etc.
July is clothing month: socks, underwear, t-shirts, shoes. Hit the seasonal sales.
Church Membership
If you are interested in joining our church, instructions and applications can be picked up in the church office. They are located on the wall in the church office