- Seating will be limited to every other row, and three chairs will separate each household. Communion with be served to individuals by our deacons and deaconesses. Plates will not be passed.
- We will not be offering Nursery Child Care or Children’s Church. Pastor Stephanie has already prepared things to help keep our precious children occupied during worship, and are available in the foyer. Here is a guide to help you as parents keep your children further engaged: https://alertcovenant.church/worship-tips-for-families/
- We will not be offering Sunday School. However, Pastor Stephanie will continue offering a Sunday School lesson online for the children. Click here: https://alertcovenant.church/discipleship-at-home/
- We will not have greeters at the doors.
- Ushers will not be handing out bulletins. Instead we ask that you pick up a bulletin from the Welcome Center.
- Wearing face masks will be left up to the individuals.
- We will ask for volunteers to wipe down the door handles and bathroom fixtures, etc. with disinfected wipes after the services.
- We will place the offering plates in the foyer rather than pass them.